Our Team

At Bakers, we recognise that people are our most valuable asset and their performance is vital to the quality of service and product we provide to our customers.

Management Team

Steve Baker

Steve Baker

Managing Director

Jamie Doogan

Jamie Doogan

Commercial Manager

Paul Sykes

Paul Sykes

Production Manager

Phil Smith

Phil Smith

Operations Manager

Jamie Godson

Jamie Godson

Technical Manager

Clare Coles

Clare Coles

HR Manager

Kirsty Dailly

Kirsty Dailly

PR and Marketing Manager

Simon Chandler

Simon Chandler

IT and Solutions Manager

Supervisor Team

Steve Baker has extremely capable management and supervisor teams around him to cope with the smooth production of labels in a factory of over 100 staff, many of whom have been with us for over 25 years and some even from the beginning.

Phil Bartlett

Phil Bartlett

Production Supervisor

Jamie Doogan

Alex Yorwath

Materials Supervisor

James WInterflood

James Winterflood

Customer Service Supervisor

Hicham Nouna

Hicham Nouna

Digital Supervisor

Harvey Dailly

Harvey Dailly

BakPac Supervisor

Mark Bridger

Mark Bridger

Studio Supervisor

Simon Chandler

Nigel Duchars

Compliance & Facilities

British Printing Industries Federation
BSC Members Logo
BSC Members Logo
Kids Inspire