We’ve found an important use for our used cardboard cores!
During the manufacture of self-adhesive labels, dozens of heavy duty cardboard cores are removed from material master reels every week and disposed of. We’re unable to use them for our reels of printed labels as they are the wrong weight for the finished products.

This hasn’t sat too well with us, so in an age when we all want to do our best for the environment by recycling we looked for options. Having heard about Colchester Zoo’s environmental enrichment program where they provide a mentally and physically enriching environment specific to each species in their care we contacted them to see if the cores could be of any use.
When the assistant curator, Liz Butcher, confirmed they would definitely be able to find a use for them we shipped two pallets off to Colchester Zoo straight away.

We were delighted to receive this beautiful photo below of one their female African elepahants enjoying using the cores during feeding time. Lots more cores will be shipped off to the zoo over the coming weeks and months to be used in a variety of enriching ways.
